Internal content store backup now available in RAG4j
In the Python version of this project, creating a backup of the InternalContentStore was already possible. With the latest release of RAG4j, you can now also create a backup of the InternalContentStore in Java. You can choose the location of the backup. The backup contains two parts, the data and the metadata. Both use a serialized format. Below are two examples for creating the backup and restoring the backup.
public class AppRAG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Setup the content store
OllamaAccess ollamaAccess = new OllamaAccess();
Embedder embedder = new OllamaEmbedder(ollamaAccess);
InternalContentStore contentStore = new InternalContentStore(embedder);
ContentReader contentReader = new JfallContentReader("jfall/sessions.jsonl");
IndexingService indexingService = new IndexingService(contentStore);
Splitter splitter = new SentenceSplitter();
indexingService.indexDocuments(contentReader, splitter);
Path backUpPath = Path.of(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "/backups");
contentStore.backupToDisk(backUpPath, "jfall-ollama-sentence");
In the next run, you want to restore the backup. You can do this with the following code:
public class AppRAG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Setup the content store
OllamaAccess ollamaAccess = new OllamaAccess();
Embedder embedder = new OllamaEmbedder(ollamaAccess);
InternalContentStore contentStore = new InternalContentStore(embedder);
Path backUpPath = Path.of(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "/backups");
contentStore.loadFromDisk(backUpPath, "jfall-ollama-sentence");
Not having to create the chunks and embeddings is the biggest advantage of using the backup.